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Revision as of 13:05, 7 April 2014

Support for macOS 11 through macOS 13
The main source branch for Fink development supports macOS 11 through macOS 13, under both intel (x86_64) and Apple's M1 and M2 (arm64) CPUs.
Final work on a full release is ongoing. As t...
fink-0.45.6 released
The Fink Project has released fink-0.45.6. This is a quick release to fix a bug introduced in fink-0.45.5 (issue #240).
This release does not yet support macOS 11 (Big Sur) or macOS 12 (Monte...
fink-0.45.4 released
The Fink Project has released fink-0.45.4. This is a minor upgrade to support XQuartz 2.8.
This release does not yet support macOS 11 (Big Sur) or macOS 12 (Monterey). Support for those two r...
fink-0.45.3 released
The Fink Project has released fink-0.45.3. This is a minor behavioral fix for an issue introduced in 0.45.2. With this release, the default prefix for new installs is reverted to /sw for all macOS...
fink-0.45.2 released
The Fink Project has released fink-0.45.2. This release provides support for all macOS releases up to and including 10.15.7. Most importantly, it changes the default install path location to /opt/s...
fink-0.45.1 released
The Fink Project has released fink-0.45.1. This release provides support for all macOS releases up to and including 10.15.4, as well as support for users running the zsh shell. Run fink selfupdate...
Further 10.15 (Catalina) and Xcode11 upgrade details
If upgrading to macOS 10.15 (Catalina) from an earlier macOS release, your existing Fink install will cease to work if installed outside /opt (such as to the previous default /sw) and must be reins...
10.15 (Catalina) and Xcode11 information
Fink 0.45.0 and up support the upcoming 10.15 release, but there are some important things to note:
Apple locked down the / (root) directory where Fink normally installs (in /sw by defaul...
fink-0.45.0 released
The Fink Project has released fink-0.45.0. This release provides support for macOS 10.14.5 and up, including preliminary support for macOS 10.15beta. This release also provides full support for .ap...
Fink mirrors are back
Thanks to the work of Fink members Chris Z and Justin H, the finkmirrors.net domain is operational once again.
We are looking for new mirror owners to extend our mirroring service. If you can...
Issues with macOS 10.14.5
Apple's release of macOS 10.14.5 updated the system perl version from 5.18.2 to 5.18.4. This update broke bootstrapping fresh installs, as well as existing perl modules dependent on perl-5.18.2...
fink-0.44.1 released
The Fink Project has released fink-0.44.1. This is primarily a bugfix release to fix bootstrapping or using the Install Fink.tool script, but with some additional optimization updates behind the s...
Mirrors currently down
Fink's finkmirrors.net domain is currently down. This will affect users selfupdating via rsync, as well as those using the binary distribution.
In order to keep your Fink distribution up...
fink-0.44.0 released
The Fink Project has released fink-0.44.0. This release now supports macOS 10.14 (Mojave), as well as Java 10. Usefink selfupdate to install it.
The best update sequence from going to 10.9-...
fink-0.43.1 released
The Fink Project has released fink-0.43.1. This is a bugfix release. Usefink selfupdate to install it.
If you happen to have updated your OS X before updating fink, follow the "Fixing...

jinja2-py37-3.0.3-2 (Python template engine)
<pre>Jinja2 is a template engine written in pure Python that is designed to beflexible, fast and secure. If you have any exposure to other text-basedtemplate languages, such as Smarty or Djan...
2024-12-02 06:00:05
jinja2-py36-3.0.3-2 (Python template engine)
<pre>Jinja2 is a template engine written in pure Python that is designed to beflexible, fast and secure. If you have any exposure to other text-basedtemplate languages, such as Smarty or Djan...
2024-12-02 06:00:05
libzip5-1.11.2-1 (Library for handling zip archives)
<pre>libzip is a C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives. Files can be added from data buffers, files, or compressed data copied directly from other zip arch...
2024-11-30 03:00:04
libzip5-bin-1.11.2-1 (OBSOLETE: use libzip-bin instead)
<pre>libzip is a C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives. Files can be added from data buffers, files, or compressed data copied directly from other zip arch...
2024-11-30 03:00:04
libzip-bin-1.11.2-1 (Library for handling zip archives)
<pre>libzip is a C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives. Files can be added from data buffers, files, or compressed data copied directly from other zip arch...
2024-11-30 03:00:04
libzip5-shlibs-1.11.2-1 (Library for handling zip archives)
<pre>libzip is a C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives. Files can be added from data buffers, files, or compressed data copied directly from other zip arch...
2024-11-30 03:00:04
pyparsing-py36-2.4.5-1 (Simple Parsing Module)
<pre>pyparsing is a general parsing module for Python. Grammars are implemented directly in the client code using parsing objects, instead of externally, as with lex/yacc-type tools. Includes...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
wcag-contrast-ratio-py37-0.9-1 (Contrast ratio library)
<pre>A library for computing contrast ratios, as required by WCAG 2.0.commit log from Hanspeter Niederstrasser (nieder@users.sourceforge.net): pymod updates</pre>
2024-11-29 12:00:06
bootstrap-modules-py36-20221003-3 (Bootstrap PEP 517 module builds)
<pre>This is a set of Python modules that are needed to do PEP 517 buildingand wheel installation. They have to be installed together to enablebootstrapping, because of circular dependencies....
2024-11-29 12:00:06
wcag-contrast-ratio-py34-0.9-1 (Contrast ratio library)
<pre>A library for computing contrast ratios, as required by WCAG 2.0.commit log from Hanspeter Niederstrasser (nieder@users.sourceforge.net): pymod updates</pre>
2024-11-29 12:00:06
service-identity-py34-18.1.0-1 (Service identity verification for Python)
<pre>Use this package if: - you use pyOpenSSL and don't want to be MITMed or - if you want to verify that a PyCA cryptography certificate is valid for a certain hostname or IP address.s...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
pep517-py310-0.13.1-1 (Wrappers for Python packages using PEP 517)
<pre>Note: The pep517 project has been replaced by pyproject-hooks (lowlevel) and the build (high level).PEP 517 specifies a standard API for systems which build Python packages.PEP 660 exten...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
trustme-py310-1.2.0-1 (TLS certs while you wait)
<pre>You wrote a cool network client or server. It encrypts connections usingTLS. Your test suite needs to make TLS connections to itself.Uh oh. Your test suite probably doesn't have a va...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
service-identity-py310-24.2.0-1 (Service identity verification for Python)
<pre>Use this package if: - you use pyOpenSSL and don't want to be MITMed or - if you want to verify that a PyCA cryptography certificate is valid for a certain hostname or IP address.s...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
bootstrap-modules-py38-20241126-1 (Bootstrap PEP 517 module builds)
<pre>This is a set of Python modules that are needed to do PEP 517 buildingand wheel installation. They have to be installed together to enablebootstrapping, because of circular dependencies....
2024-11-29 12:00:06
wcag-contrast-ratio-py310-0.9-1 (Contrast ratio library)
<pre>A library for computing contrast ratios, as required by WCAG 2.0.commit log from Hanspeter Niederstrasser (nieder@users.sourceforge.net): pymod updates</pre>
2024-11-29 12:00:06
typing-extensions-py310-4.7.1-1 (Backported and Experimental Py35+ Type Hints)
<pre>Typing Extensions - Backported and Experimental Type Hints for PythonThe typing module was added to the standard library in Python 3.5 on aprovisional basis and will no longer be provisi...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
railroad-diagrams-py37-3.0.1-1 (Generate SVG railroad syntax diagrams)
<pre>This is a small library for generating railroad diagrams (like whatJSON.org uses) using SVG, with both JS and Python ports.commit log from Hanspeter Niederstrasser (nieder@users.sourcefo...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
wcag-contrast-ratio-py39-0.9-1 (Contrast ratio library)
<pre>A library for computing contrast ratios, as required by WCAG 2.0.commit log from Hanspeter Niederstrasser (nieder@users.sourceforge.net): pymod updates</pre>
2024-11-29 12:00:06
pep517-py38-0.13.1-1 (Wrappers for Python packages using PEP 517)
<pre>Note: The pep517 project has been replaced by pyproject-hooks (lowlevel) and the build (high level).PEP 517 specifies a standard API for systems which build Python packages.PEP 660 exten...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
watchdog-py39-6.0.0-1 (Python API/shell utils to monitor FS events)
<pre>Directory monitoring made easy with * A cross-platform API. * A shell tool to run commands in response to directory changes.commit log from Hanspeter Niederstrasser (nieder@users.sourc...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
service-identity-py39-24.2.0-1 (Service identity verification for Python)
<pre>Use this package if: - you use pyOpenSSL and don't want to be MITMed or - if you want to verify that a PyCA cryptography certificate is valid for a certain hostname or IP address.s...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
service-identity-py38-24.2.0-1 (Service identity verification for Python)
<pre>Use this package if: - you use pyOpenSSL and don't want to be MITMed or - if you want to verify that a PyCA cryptography certificate is valid for a certain hostname or IP address.s...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
pep517-py37-0.13.1-1 (Wrappers for Python packages using PEP 517)
<pre>Note: The pep517 project has been replaced by pyproject-hooks (lowlevel) and the build (high level).PEP 517 specifies a standard API for systems which build Python packages.PEP 660 exten...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
bootstrap-modules-py39-20241126-1 (Bootstrap PEP 517 module builds)
<pre>This is a set of Python modules that are needed to do PEP 517 buildingand wheel installation. They have to be installed together to enablebootstrapping, because of circular dependencies....
2024-11-29 12:00:06
bootstrap-modules-py37-20241126-1 (Bootstrap PEP 517 module builds)
<pre>This is a set of Python modules that are needed to do PEP 517 buildingand wheel installation. They have to be installed together to enablebootstrapping, because of circular dependencies....
2024-11-29 12:00:06
build-py310-1.1.1-1 (Simple, correct PEP517 package builder)
<pre>build will invoke the PEP 517 hooks to build a distribution package. Itis a simple build tool and does not perform any dependency management.commit log from Hanspeter Niederstrasser (nie...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
wcag-contrast-ratio-py35-0.9-1 (Contrast ratio library)
<pre>A library for computing contrast ratios, as required by WCAG 2.0.commit log from Hanspeter Niederstrasser (nieder@users.sourceforge.net): pymod updates</pre>
2024-11-29 12:00:06
pyparsing-py34-2.4.5-1 (Simple Parsing Module)
<pre>pyparsing is a general parsing module for Python. Grammars are implemented directly in the client code using parsing objects, instead of externally, as with lex/yacc-type tools. Includes...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
threadpoolctl-py38-3.5.0-1 (Helpers to limit the number of threads)
<pre>Python helpers to limit the number of threads used in thethreadpool-backed of common native libraries used for scientificcomputing and data science (e.g. BLAS and OpenMP).Fine control of...
2024-11-29 12:00:06
wheel-py39-0.40.0-1 (Built-package format for Python)
<pre>Built-package format for Pythoncommit log from Hanspeter Niederstrasser (nieder@users.sourceforge.net): pymod updates</pre>
2024-11-29 12:00:06
railroad-diagrams-py39-3.0.1-1 (Generate SVG railroad syntax diagrams)
<pre>This is a small library for generating railroad diagrams (like whatJSON.org uses) using SVG, with both JS and Python ports.commit log from Hanspeter Niederstrasser (nieder@users.sourcefo...
2024-11-29 12:00:06